
Home Schools United Programs
Why do families choose home schooling?
Do I need a consultant?
What about testing?
What about High School and College?
Information Form
Contact Us
Home Schools United
Information Form

Please fill in this section and mail it along with your check to HSU-VV, P.O. Box 93564, Las Vegas, Nevada 89193.

[ ]in the amount of $20 for a yearly subscription

[ ]in the amount of $5 for introductory information packet, includes 1 newsletter

Name:____________________________Phone #:_________________
If you have any questions, please call our phone line at 870-9566 Volunteers man our phone line so your call will be returned as soon as possible.
How did you hear about us? CCSD________Library___________
Consultant's Name_____________Other______________________
Thank you for your interest in home schooling!